Monday, March 29, 2010


Hi , its already 2am and i should really be sleeping rite now..
I am feverish.. My nose hurts and my chest is burning..
My head is spinning !!

I had a lil chat with my galfren just now.
She was telling me about her handsome korean wannabe friend which happened to like her..
HE IS SOOOO CUTE! huhu.. I have to admit it, I was so jealous!
This is getting really absurd. hihiks

I dont know why, but its like a bullet passing through my flesh!!!
Seeing my friends, girls especially, having their own guys..
I cant help but to be so jealous.

Why cant I have something like that?
I want something like that too.. I deserve it, maybe

I kept on thinking, hehehe.. So weird!
I always rejects the idea of couple romance, but I sooo want it right now..

Plus I am feverish, my mental and hormone balance r so damned! I feel like crying!ahaks

last few night theres this girl.. She charged that I have anorexic eating problem.
WTF lah. huhu just cause Im skinny , that doesnt mean Im anorexic. Hello??
Have you never heard about high metabolism thing???
Its not my fault that you cant fit ur junk in size S..
Pity you bitch

HOWEVER, I dont know how she does it, but her words really got me thinking.
When I was about to eat, I thought of her words. and i force myself to eat non stop!
Im so sad.. I am sad indeed!
So I have been eating non stop since then.
Every time my tummy gets hungry, I'd fill it in..
I dont follow the balanced diet or timing anymore.

It sux.. Knowing that people have problem seeing me. Seeing me as skinny I am, calling me names.. @_@ My self esteem drops down.. It does
Then.. hearing it again from my friends,about my physicality... well you know how it feels

This is so out of course.. huhu I cant even think straight..
Im exhausted and upset!
I hope I could get this over with.
I need support coz Im slipping away now..
Im afraid I might do something impulsive
Hope not huhu

For those who have the same issue as I am, just hold on.. I know its hard.. Lets just stay strong
They might mean no harm, so lets try to take it as a motivation. huh!

Keep reading.. Keep blogging :)

Much Love


addaSTICK ;) said...

ahaa?? BITCH mana yg ckp cmtu?? gila BODO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! fathin!!! u da perfect okey! jgn makan terlalu banyak..nanti you bole jatuh sakit :( kalau ye nak gain weight..mnta nasihat oke?? orang2 lain tu bodo ta tawu ape2 bole la cakap dgn mulut longkang diaorng tu.. but doc akan bg u nasihat betul2 oke ^^

suara said...

awwww thanks cikda... itulah pasai sampai demam ni.. telebih makan! ahaks.. lawak pulak.. Aku tak torah dah kemarin, nantok.. tu tulih merapulana.. hikhik..
Baiklah weyh! aku akn cuba mencari nasihat pakar untuk menyihatkan tubuhku yg sudah sihat ni... KAMSAMIDAAA CHINGU~~~

waeh said...

hello! sory, waeh bru bc.. am so sory.. hey! ngarot ja bdk 2.. sapa dy 2 weh??! cnie aku kasi kick sama dy.. huuu~ jgn nk trasa hti dgn bdk 2,or ngn sapa2 pn yg ckp cm 2.. klau ada, dun 4get gtaw aku.. kta serang dy sma2 taw.. ahaks! dgn bntuan cik adda, skali smackdown, tumbang.. ahaha.. i no its not funny.. sori adda.. tp btol ckap adda.. keep a healthy balance diet honey..keyh!dats most important thing.. t.c gurl.. (^_^")

suara said...

awwww *tears* thanks ayangyong :* sayang kamu!!! hihiks baiklah aku dah besemangat sikit.. waeh ni baik sungguh nak tlg aku serang budak2 tu wee~ cikda tulun smackdown fuyooo!! syoknyaaa!! ^^ lub u two :D